Essay Topics -- English 222.005
Unsettling Country: Literature(s) in Canada

There are three due dates set over the term: October 1, November 2, and November 30.You must submit one of the three papers on each of the due-dates. You may choose the order in which you submit each of these papers, but you must write each of the three. There will be no extensions for these due-dates, unless you discuss them with me. Late essays will be penalized 5% per day late, to a maximum of 50%. Each essay can be no more than 1500 words (about five typed double-spaced pages) Make sure that you have a focused critical argument, and that you write in a concise, direct style. Make sure that you always cite relevant examples, and that you analyze those examples. Please follow the current MLA style for format and documentation, if necessary. These are NOT research papers, but close analyses of text, sound and image.

1. Write a close reading of a poem or song lyric chosen from the texts on the course syllabus (not necessarily a text we have discussed in class). How do the form, style and structure of the text you choose contribute to its social, cultural or artistic meaning? How is representation shaped or articulated in this text? What is significant about the writing you choose?

2. Write a close analysis of a selection or scene or excerpt from a media artifact (film, audio, image, web-page, blog, video) on or connected to the course syllabus. How do media form, style or structure of the media artifact you choose contribute to its social, cultural or artistic meaning? How is representation shaped or articulated in this text? What is significant about the material you choose?

3. Write a close analysis of a passage from a short story, novel or non-fiction text on the course syllabus: choose no more than three pages for your main focus. How do the form, style and structure of the text you choose contribute to its social, cultural or artistic meaning? How do these pages relate to the rest of the larger text from which they are taken? How is representation shaped or articulated in this text? What is significant about the writing you choose?

Due in class on Monday October 1, Friday November 2, and Friday November 26.