Short Paper Topics: English 470/005

Prof. K. McNeilly
Office: Buchanan Tower 401, phone 604.822.4466
Office Hours: Mondays, 9:30-11:30

In an essay of no more than 1500 words (4 to 6 typed double-spaced pages) offer a close reading of a poem by or of a prose passage from one of the authors on the course syllabus. If you choose to deal with a long poem, please restrict yourself to an excerpt of no more than 40 lines. If you choose a prose excerpt, try to keep the text to within a page. Try to avoid writing on texts we have dealt with extensively in class, although you may use them if you have your own reading to argue for. Your reading should not simply be a thematic analysis, but must demonstrate the interrelationship(s) between form and content, language and concept, in the text you choose. Remember to present a clear, focused argument, and to deal directly with the language and form of the text you are examining. If you are unclear about how to do a close reading, please speak to me after class or in my office hours. Please use M.L.A. style to document your sources.

Due in class on Monday, October 31.