Example: Rust & Rothwell (1995)

Author: Paul Schrimpf
Date: 2018-11-28

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This document was created using Weave.jl. The code is available in the course github repository. The same document generates both static webpages and associated jupyter notebooks.

\[ \def\indep{\perp\!\!\!\perp} \def\Er{\mathrm{E}} \def\R{\mathbb{R}} \def\En{{\mathbb{E}_n}} \def\Pr{\mathrm{P}} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\Vert {#1} \right\Vert} \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left\vert {#1} \right\vert} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\,max} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min} \def\inprob{\,{\buildrel p \over \rightarrow}\,} \def\indist{\,{\buildrel d \over \rightarrow}\,} \]


These notes describe an attempt to reproduce the results of Rust and Rothwell (1995) “Optimal response to a shift in regulatory regime: The case of the US nuclear power industry.” This paper estimates a dynamic discrete choice model of nuclear power plant operation. The reasons for looking at this example include:

  • it incorporates dynamic programming and estimation, so it’s related to many of the things we’ve covered
  • data is readily available
  • it is realistically complicated and messy


The model is a finite horizon dynamic program. States, \(x\), and actions, \(a\) are discrete. The instantaneous payoff from action \(a\) in state \(s\) is \(u(x,a,\phi)\), where \(\phi\) are parameters to be estimated. Time is discrete. The discount factor is \(\beta\). States follow a controlled markov process with transition probabilities \(p(x'|x,a)\) At time \(T = 480\) months, power plants are assumed to be forced to shutdown permanently. Let \(v_T(x,a) = 0\). The choice specific value function at time \(t\) is defined recursively as \[ v_t(x,a;p) = u(x,a,\phi) + \beta \int \Er[\max_{a' \in A(x')} v_{t+1}(x',a';p) + \epsilon(a')] p(dx'|x,a) \] Assuming \(\epsilon(a) \sim\) type-I extreme value, \[ \Er[\max_{a' \in A(x')} v_{t+1}(x',a';p) + \epsilon(a')] = \log \left( \sum{a' \in A(x')} \exp(v_{t+1}(x',a';p)) \right) + \gamma \]


The model is estimated by two-step maximum likelihood. In the first step, \(p(dx'|x,a)\) is estimated separately. In the second step the and observed choices are used to estimate \(\phi\). Let \(\{t_i,x_i,a_i\}_{i=1}^N\) denote the observed, times, states, and actions. Then the likelihood is \[ \mathcal{L}(\phi,p) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i \log\left( \frac{\exp(v_{t_i}(x_i,a_i;p))}{\sum_{a \in A(x_i)} \exp(v_{t_i}(x_i,a;p))} \right) \]

Aside: use modules

For any project of length, it’s worthwhile to define your functions in a module, and use Revise.jl to auto-reload your functions every time you save changes. Defining functions in a separate module ensures that they don’t share scope with your main repl. For example, if you just enter the following in the repl,

function f(z)

There will be no error, but it is likely not what you want. Functions defined in modules become arguably more convenient than working directly in the REPL when you use Revise.jl. To use modules,

if (false) # to make this not evaluate in notebooks ...

# Contents of MyModule.jl
# module MyModule # breaks notebook()

# export f, g 

function g(x)

function f(z)

# end


In the REPL or a file you include() directly,

if (false) # to make this not evaluate in notebooks ...
using Revise
push!( LOAD_PATH, "./" )
using MyModule


A great benefit is that everytime you edit and save MyModule.jl, the new version of f and g will be loaded into the REPL automatically.


using Revise
using GLM, DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, Plots, StatPlots, Statistics
push!( LOAD_PATH, "./" )
using DynamicDecision
using RustRothwell
variable mean min median max nunique nmissing eltype
Symbol Union… Any Union… Any Union… Union… DataType
1 name ARKA1 ZION2 117 String
2 ID 307.076 10 304.0 530 Int64
3 steamSystem BabcockWilcox Other2 6 CategoricalString{UInt32}
4 year 86.0398 75 87.0 94 Int64
5 month 6.54307 1 7.0 12 Int64
6 vintage preTMI postTMI 2 CategoricalString{UInt32}
7 age 120.709 1 108.0 416 Int64
8 hrsRefuel 108.916 0.0 0.0 763.6 Float64
9 hrsPlanOut 33.1886 0.0 0.0 758.0 Float64
10 hrsForcedOut 70.4087 0.0 0.0 749.7 Float64
11 hrsTotal 730.546 672.0 744.0 744.0 Float64
12 scramIn 0.0464024 0 0.0 1 Int64
13 scramOut 0.0172571 0 0.0 1 Int64
14 numForcedOut 0.43833 -1 0.0 13 Int64
15 hrsOperating 496.617 0.0 672.0 744.0 Float64
16 action exit shutdown 8 117 String
17 spelltype exit refueling 3 String
18 t 1039.02 901 1048.0 1140 Int64
19 nppSignal contRefuel none 3 117 String
20 duration 10.7342 1 7.0 222 Int64
21 majorProblemSpell 0.0864292 false 0.0 true Bool
@df plantData corrplot([:age  :hrsOperating],
                       label=["Age", "Monthly hours operating"])


@df plantData corrplot([:age  :hrsRefuel],
                       label=["Age", "Monthly hours refueling"])


@df plantData corrplot([:age  :hrsForcedOut],
                       label=["Age", "Monthly hours forced outage"])


plantData[:pOperating] =
plantData[:pRefuel] =
plantData[:pOut] =
function plotaverageovertime(var::Symbol; ylabel="")
  tmp = plantData[[:t; :year; :month; var]]
  tmp[:Year] = tmp[:year] + (tmp[:month].-1)./12
  categorical!(tmp, :t)
  fmla = @eval @formula($var ~ t)
  avglm = lm(fmla, tmp)
  avg = unique(tmp[[:t; :Year]])
  # :confint seems to require an X matrix instead of a dataframe 
  newTerms = StatsModels.dropresponse!(avglm.mf.terms)
  mf = ModelFrame(newTerms, avg; contrasts = avglm.mf.contrasts)
  newX = ModelMatrix(mf).m  
  pred = predict(avglm, newX, :confint)
  avg[var] = pred[:,1]
  avg[:cir] = pred[:,3].-pred[:,1]
  plot(avg[:Year], avg[var], ribbon=avg[:cir],
       legend=:none, xlabel="year", ylabel=ylabel,
plotaverageovertime(:pOperating,ylabel="Portion of hours operating")


plotaverageovertime(:pOperating,ylabel="Portion of hours operating")


plotaverageovertime(:pRefuel,ylabel="Portion of hours refueling")


plotaverageovertime(:pOut,ylabel="Portion of hours in forced outage")


Estimate transition probabilities

missing_to_false = x -> ifelse(ismissing(x), false, x)
plantData[:forcedOut] = plantData[:nppSignal].=="forcedOut"

function pof_transform!(df)
  df[:duration2] = df[:duration].^2
pof = glm( @formula(forcedOut ~ duration + duration2),
           @linq where(plantData,missing_to_false.((:nppSignal .!= "contRefuel") .&
                                                   .!(:majorProblemSpell) .&
           , Binomial(), LogitLink())
maxd = maximum(@linq where(plantData, missing_to_false.((:nppSignal
tmp = DataFrame(duration=1:maxd)
tmp.pForcedOutage = predict(pof, tmp)
# TODO: add confidence bands. predict for GLM with confint only works
# for linear regressions at the moment. There is an unresolved issue
# on the git page about extending it.

@df tmp plot(:duration, :pForcedOutage,
             ylabel="P(Forced outage)",


# estimate P(refueling ends | duration)
plantData[:refuelEnd] = (plantData[:nppSignal] .!= "contRefuel")
function pro_transform!(df)
  # we will need to transform X variables
  # whenever we calculate predicted probabilities
  df[:dcat] = categorical(min.(df[:duration],6))
  df[:dlong] = (d->(ifelse(d>=7, d-6, 0))).(df[:duration])
pro = glm( @formula(refuelEnd ~ dcat + dlong),
           @linq where(plantData,missing_to_false.(.!(:majorProblemSpell) .&
           , Binomial(), LogitLink())
maxd = maximum(@linq where(plantData,
                           missing_to_false.(.!(:majorProblemSpell) .&
tmp = DataFrame(duration=1:maxd)
tmp[:dcat] = categorical(min.(tmp[:duration],6))
tmp[:dlong] = (d->(ifelse(d>=7, d-6, 0))).(tmp[:duration])
tmp.pRefuelEnd = predict(pro, tmp)
@df tmp plot(:duration, :pRefuelEnd,
             ylabel="P(Refueling ends)",


Combine into transition probabilities

maxduration = 36
plantData[:durationOrig] = plantData[:duration]
plantData[:duration] = min.(plantData[:duration],maxduration)
statefn = vector_index_converter(plantData,[:spelltype, :nppSignal,
actionfn = vector_index_converter(plantData,[:action])
function actionfn.index(a::String)

presume = (s)->probfn(s, pro, pro_transform!)
poutage = (s)->probfn(s, pof, pof_transform!)

P = transition_prob(poutage, presume, statefn, actionfn, maxduration)

Estimate payoff parameters

# parameter estimates from Rust & Rothwell (1995)
ϕnames = Array{String, 1}(undef, actionfn.n+4)
ϕnames[actionfn.index("exit")] = "exit"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("refuel")] = "refuel"
ϕnames[actionfn.n+2] = "f.r"
ϕnames[actionfn.n+1] = "duration"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("shutdown")] = "shutdown"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("run25")] = "run25"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("run50")] = "run50"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("run75")] = "run75"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("run99")] = "run99"
ϕnames[actionfn.index("run100")] = "run100"
ϕnames[actionfn.n+3] = "f.s"
ϕnames[actionfn.n+4] = "f.100"

ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("exit")] = 0.0
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("refuel")] = -1.82
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.n+2] = -2.33
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.n+1] = -0.05
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("shutdown")] = -0.04
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("run25")] = -1.82
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("run50")] = -0.96
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("run75")] = -0.15
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("run99")] = 1.52
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.index("run100")] = 2.93
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.n+3] = -4.03
ϕpre_rr[actionfn.n+4] = -3.44

ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("exit")] = 0.0
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("refuel")] = -3.44
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.n+2] = -3.09
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.n+1] = -0.06
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("shutdown")] = -0.54
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("run25")] = -2.12
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("run50")] = -1.58
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("run75")] = -0.75
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("run99")] = 0.54
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.index("run100")] = 2.93
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.n+3] = -4.04
ϕpost_rr[actionfn.n+4] = -5.89

# setup
feasible = feasible_actions(statefn, actionfn)
T = 480
discount = 0.999
plantData[:stateIndex] = statefn.index(plantData)
plantData[:actionIndex] = actionfn.index(plantData)
preTMI = @linq where(plantData, :year .< 79 .| (:year.==79 .& :month.<=3))
postTMI= @linq where(plantData, :year.>80 .| (:year.==79 .& :month.>3))

# wrappers for estimation
function loglikei(ϕ,P;missingval=missing, data=plantData)
  loglikei_u(payoffs(ϕ, statefn, actionfn),
             data, :age, :stateIndex, :actionIndex,
             choicevalue, discount, T, P, feasible,
function loglikerr(ϕ,P;missingval=missing, data=plantData)
  mean(skipmissing(loglikei(ϕ,P,missingval=missingval, data=data)))

ll = loglikei(ϕpre_rr, P)
loglikerr(ϕpre_rr, P)

using JuMP, ForwardDiff,Ipopt, NLopt
d = length(ϕpre_rr)
function estimateRR(data=plantData) 
  m = Model(solver=NLoptSolver(algorithm=:LD_LBFGS))
  loglike_jump(ϕ...) = loglikerr(collect(ϕ),P, data=data)
  JuMP.register(m,:loglike, d,
  @variable(m, ϕ[1:d])
  for i in 1:d
    if (ϕnames[i]!="exit")
      setvalue(ϕ[i], ϕpost_rr[i])
  JuMP.setNLobjective(m, :Max, Expr(:call, :loglike, [ϕ[i] for i=1:d]...))
  return(ϕhat=getvalue(ϕ), opt=optout)

estimateRR (generic function with 2 methods)

using JLD2
if (false)
  est = estimateRR(preTMI)
  ϕpre = est.ϕhat
  est = estimateRR(postTMI)
  ϕpost= est.ϕhat
  @save "rrest.jld2"  ϕpre ϕpost
else # load saved estimated
  @load "rrest.jld2"

DataFrame([ϕnames ϕpre ϕpre_rr  ϕpost ϕpost_rr],
          [:name; :pre; :pre_rr; :post; :post_rr])
name pre pre_rr post post_rr
Any Any Any Any Any
1 run100 0.361111 2.93 1.15319 2.93
2 run75 -2.55338 -0.15 -2.98619 -0.75
3 run99 -1.10771 1.52 -1.70619 0.54
4 refuel -0.959587 -1.82 -1.50713 -3.44
5 run25 -4.17298 -1.82 -4.19983 -2.12
6 run50 -3.53488 -0.96 -3.74479 -1.58
7 exit 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 shutdown -2.69323 -0.04 -2.35202 -0.54
9 duration -0.0264501 -0.05 -0.0391322 -0.06
10 f.r -2.71615 -2.33 -4.08569 -3.09
11 f.s -1.20397 -4.03 -0.96095 -4.04
12 f.100 -3.62711 -3.44 -6.01303 -5.89

Computing the variance

function variance(ϕhat; data=plantData) 
  H = ForwardDiff.hessian(ϕ->loglikerr(ϕ,P, missingval=0.0, data=data), ϕhat)
  gradi=ForwardDiff.jacobian(ϕ->loglikei(ϕ,P, missingval=0.0,data=data),ϕhat)
  Σ = cov(gradi)
  e = findall(ϕnames.!="exit")
  li = loglikei(ϕhat,P, data=data)
   = zeros(length(ϕhat),length(ϕhat))
  n = sum(.!ismissing.(li))
  [e,e] = inv(H[e,e])*Σ[e,e]*inv(H[e,e])/(n*(1.0-missportion))
  Vϕ1 = deepcopy()
  ## The above formula ignores estimation error in P. We can should it in
  pcoefs = [coef(pof); coef(pro)]
  Vp = zeros(length(pcoefs),length(pcoefs))
  lo = length(coef(pof))
  lp = length(pcoefs)
  Vp[1:lo, 1:lo] = vcov(pof)
  Vp[(lo+1):lp,(lo+1):lp] = vcov(pro)
  function transprob(pcoefs)
    lo = length(coef(pof))
    poutfn = s->probfn(s, pof, pof_transform!,
    presfn = s->probfn(s, pro, pro_transform!,
    transition_prob(poutfn, presfn, statefn, actionfn, maxduration)
  function loglike_ϕp(ϕ,pcoefs)
    loglikerr(ϕ,transprob(pcoefs), missingval=0.0,
  Dϕp = ForwardDiff.jacobian(p->ForwardDiff.gradient(ϕ->loglike_ϕp(ϕ,p),ϕhat),                           pcoefs)
   = zeros(length(ϕhat),length(ϕhat))
  [e,e] = inv(H[e,e])*(Σ[e,e] + Dϕp[e,:]*Vp*Dϕp[e,:]') *
  return(V=, V1=Vϕ1, H=H, Σ=Σ, Dϕp=Dϕp, Vp=Vp)

if (false)
  vpre = variance(ϕpre, data=preTMI)
  vpost = variance(ϕpre, data=postTMI)
  @save "vrr.jld2" vpre vpost
  @load "vrr.jld2"

using LinearAlgebra
DataFrame([sqrt.(diag(vpost.V,0)) .- sqrt.(diag(vpost.V1,0))])
1 1.89057e-6
2 9.68573e-7
3 1.69916e-6
4 8.22079e-7
5 3.74526e-7
6 5.62791e-7
7 0.0
8 7.34197e-8
9 1.73616e-7
10 7.14764e-7
11 4.94367e-8
12 8.8811e-8
DataFrame([ϕnames ϕpre sqrt.(diag(vpre.V,0)) ϕpost sqrt.(diag(vpost.V,0))],
          [:name; :preTMI; :se_pre; :postTMI; :se_post])
name preTMI se_pre postTMI se_post
Any Any Any Any Any
1 run100 0.361111 0.0537 1.15319 0.0182993
2 run75 -2.55338 0.0755551 -2.98619 0.0335127
3 run99 -1.10771 0.0499443 -1.70619 0.0191039
4 refuel -0.959587 0.0721 -1.50713 0.020247
5 run25 -4.17298 0.155166 -4.19983 0.0866672
6 run50 -3.53488 0.115937 -3.74479 0.0576755
7 exit 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 shutdown -2.69323 0.161943 -2.35202 0.0588689
9 duration -0.0264501 0.00349471 -0.0391322 0.00170402
10 f.r -2.71615 0.207676 -4.08569 0.0930747
11 f.s -1.20397 0.218856 -0.96095 0.139453
12 f.100 -3.62711 0.133368 -6.01303 0.0409401

Model fit


Rust, John, and Geoffrey Rothwell. 1995. “Optimal Response to a Shift in Regulatory Regime: The Case of the Us Nuclear Power Industry.” Journal of Applied Econometrics 10 (December): 75. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/docview/218751608?accountid=14656.