The Page You Made

Herewith, a selection of the links you discovered yourselves during the Research Tools assignment, in no particular order:

Write your name in Elvish in Ten Minutes : Julia says it did not take her ten minutes to master this, but I was terribly confused...

Excerpts from Tolkien tumblr : many beautiful images

Doll Divine fantasy doll maker game

Elrond's Sounds on Soundcloud : a collection of sound clips of Tolkien reading his work

The Tolkien Professor : the site of an academic who specializes in Tolkien; he has also started an online educational project he calls the Mythgard Institute, and you can download his lectures on The Hobbit from iTunes

LOTR Costume : rudimentary website design, but full of information for making your own LOTR costumes

Two Towers Subtitles : an Angelfire site, so beware multiple pop-up ads and flashing banners; also ignore what appears below the "Visitor no. " tag, and instead, click through to see the poorly-translated English subtitles from a bootleg DVD of the Two Towers

Lord of the Rings Fanatics : includes a quiz that Alex found both difficult and fun

Lord of the Rings fan fiction : what it sounds like

LOTR Project : an amazing family tree

A story on about the Denny's Hobbit menu

The Broship of the Ring : latest post is about Hipster Hobbits

Fantasy Literature Research guide from Pima Community College

Middle Earth Minecraft on YouTube: well, wow: a recreation of Middle-Earth. In Minecraft.

Tolkien Board-Games : reviews of the many LOTR board-games that have been produced over the years

Ansereg : bills itself as a site for "mature" Tolkien fans. Includes a secion on Elf Sex

Gallery of Tolkien Book Covers : very straightforward and comprehensive

The Lord of the Rings Conspiracy : enough said

Real Elvish : an odd but fun elvish site

The Middle Earth Foodie : latest entry is Laketown Market Salad

Hobbiton Tours : "Discover the real Middle Earth"

The Thain's Book : guide to Middle Earth

Trailer for Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings on YouTube

Third Age Total War : a Wiki article on the Third Age mod for the popular Total War series