- 2017 Viewpoint, discourse, and multimodal artifacts, AFLiCo 7 (French Cognitive Linguistics Association), Discourse, cognition and constructions: implications and applications, University of Liège, Belgium, May 31-June 3 2017.
- 2016 Viewpoint: figuration, narrative structure, and internet discourse AELCO 10 (Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Discourse, Culture and Contexts, Alcalá de Henares, 26-28 October 2016.
- 2016 How we make meaning, Memorial Lecture in honor of the late Prof. Jan Rusiecki, Warsaw University, April 2016.
- 2016 Thirteen ways of looking at . . . a character, lecture at the Language, Stories, and Social Cognition Symposium, Leiden University, April 2016.
- 2016 Representing the self: from literary discourse to multimodal artifacts, invited lecture, part of the "Situated Self" series, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, February 12.
- 2015 How we make meaning, public talk at Durham University, UK (College of St Hild and St Bede), November 5, 2015.
- 2015 Viewpoint phenomena in constructions and discourse, Jahrestagung der DGfS, Session on perspective-taking, March 4-6, 2015.
- 2015 Viewpoint: What can we learn from linguistic and visual data?, Invited talk in the weekly series held by Institute for Cognition and Brain Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, February 20, 2015.
- 2015 Viewpoint: Constructions and discourse, invited talk delivered for the CogNetwork Group (interdisciplinary research cluster), at University of California, Berkeley, February 23, 2015.
- 2014 Multiple viewpoints in Discourse (with Lieven Vandelanotte), Invited Colloquium on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics, symposium at the Georgetown Roundtable 2014 (Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA) (March 13-16, 2014).
- 2014 Multimodal glances at multiple viewpoints (with Lieven Vandelanotte), Invited Colloquium on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics, symposium at the Georgetown Roundtable 2014 (Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA) (March 13-16, 2014).
- 2013 Construals of subjective experience in narrative and poetic discourse. Cognition and Poetics Conference. University of Osnabrück, Germany April 25-27.
- 2013 Viewpoint and narrative discourse. Symposium on Perspective on Narrative. Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, April 23-24, 2013.
- 2012 Narrative viewpoint: blending and compression. Joint workshop of IGEL (International Association for Experimental Study of Literature) and STD (Society for Text and Discourse), July 2012, Montreal.
- 2012 How we make meaning. Lecture presented at the Associates' Forum, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, December 2012,
- 2011 Speaking versus thinking: construction of minds and narrative discourse. Stylistics Across Disciplines Conference. Leiden University, The Netherlands, June 16-17, 2011.
- 2010 Fictional minds and linguistic constructions, Cognition and Literature Symposium, Osnabrück, Germany, October 21-24.
- 2008 'O, happy dagger!': Material objects as discourse participants in dramatic and poetic discourse. Annual Conference of the Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education, University of Namur, November 22.
- 2008 Meaning-making and discourse patterns: Material anchors and the Elizabethan stage. Text and Context Conference, Queens University Belfast, November 14-16.
- 2008 Fictional minds and story-telling: Blending and the evolution of literary discourse. Integrating Science and Humanities Symposium, University of British Columbia, September 26-28.
- 2008 Material objects and the stage: Meaning making and discourse patterns. Symposium on Shakespeare and the Blending Mind, Haverford College, April 18-19.
- 2007 Causes, consequences and alternatives: Evidence from English and Polish. Causality and Cognition Workshop, Linguistics Department, University of California, Berkeley, April 2007.
- 2007 Conditional reasoning and types of alternativity. Symposium on Conditional Reasoning, Tokyo University, Japan, October 6-8.
- 2006 Narrative anchors and the processes of story construction: the case of Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin. Style in Fiction Symposium, Lancaster University, UK, March 2006.
- 1998 Semantic overlap and space blending: How different constructions build the same mental spaces. (presented with Eve Sweetser as co-author), 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, July 1998.