Community Resources
These are background materials referenced in public presentations or community workshops.
Sky Story: A First Nations Journey: Oct. 19, 2007
Sky Story is a First Nations show at the Vancouver Planatarium. The show is designed as a resource
to complement a grade nine science unit on
celestial bodies.
Two articles that document BC First Nations understanding of astronomy and tidal action are posted here
as a reference for teachers interested in more of the indigenous science of the northwest coast.
- Jay Miller. North Pacific Ethnoastronomy:
Tsimshian and Others.
- Wayne Shuttles. Space and Time,
Wind and Tide.
- C. Menzies and C. Butler. Tsimshian Fishing Techniques and Technologies.
- Additional Indigenous Science, Society, and Culture curriculum materials designed for BC's K-12 educations sytem can
be found on the Forests and Oceans for the Future research
group web page. The lesson plans posted there have been designed by classroom
teachers for use with the BC Ministry of Education's IRPs.
Download lesson plans