and presentations
Dowloadable versions of many of the following papers and others can be found on my
ResearchGate page
and my Academia page.
Selected Publications
Charles R. Menzies. People of the Saltwater: An Ethnography of Git lax m'oon. Lincoln, Nebraska.
University of Nebraska Press. 2016.
Charles R. Menzies. “Revisting “Dm Sibilhaa’n, Da Laxyuubm Gitxaała (Picking Abalone in Gitxaała Territory):
Vindication, Appropriation, and Archaeology.”” BC Studies, no. 187, Autumn: 129-153. 2015
Charles R. Menzies. “Oil, Energy, and Anthropological Collaboration on the Northwest Coast of Canada.”
Journal of Anthropological Research. Vol. 71(1):5-21. 2015
Charles R. Menzies. “In Our Grandmothers’ Garden: An Indigenous Approach to Collaborative Film.”
In Aline Gubrium, Krista Harper, and Marty Otañez, (eds). Participatory Visual and Digital Research in Action.
Pp. 103-114. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Books.
Charles R. Menzies. “At the End of the Road: Reflections on Finistère, Land’s End, France.”
In Nieves Herrero Pérez and Sharon R. Roseman (eds). The Tourist Imaginary and Pilgrimages to the
Edges of the World. Pp. 47-61. Bristol: Channel View Publications Ltd. 2015
Charles R. Menzies and Anthony Marcus (Editors) Anthropology for a Small Planet: Culture and Community
in a Global Environment, Second Edition. Vancouver: New Proposals Publishing. 2013
Charles R. Menzies. “Standing on the Shore with Saaban: an anthropological rapprochement with an
Indigenous intellectual tradition.” Collaborative Anthropologies. 6. 2013
Charles R. Menzies. “The Disturbed Environment. The Indigenous Cultivation of Salmon.”
In Benedict J. Colombi and James F. Brooks (Eds.) Keystone nations: Indigenous Peoples and Salmon across
the North Pacific. Pp. 161-182. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research. 2012
C. Carothers, K. Criddle, C.P. Chambers, P.J. Cullenberg, J. Fall, A. Himes-Cornell, J.P. Johnsen,
N. Kimball, C. Menzies, and E.S. Springer (Editors) Fishing People of the North: Cultures,
Economies, and Management Responding to Change. Fairbanks: Alaska Sea Grant,
University of Alaska Fairbanks. 2012.
Charles R. Menzies. Red Flags and Lace Coiffes: Identity and Survival in a Breton Village.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2011.
Charles R. Menzies. Dm sibilhaa’nm da laxyuubm gitxaała: Picking abalone in gitxaała territory.
Human Organization. 69(3) 2010.

Charles R. Menzies. Reflections on work and activism in the 'university of excellence.'

New Proposals Vol 3(2):40-55. 2010.
Special Theme Issue: Universities, Corporatization and Resistance
Charles R. Menzies AND Caroline F. Butler. The Indigenous Foundation of the Resource Economy of BC's North Coast.
Labour/Le Travail. 61 (Spring 2008), 131-149.

Caroline F. Butler and Charles R. Menzies. Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Tourism.
In Richard Butler and Tom Hinch (Eds) Tourism and Indigenous Peoples: Issues and Implications. Oxford:
Butterworth-Heinermann. 2007.

Charles Menzies and Caroline F. Butler. Returning to Selective Fishing through Indigenous Fisheries Knowledge: The Example of K'moda, Gitxaala
Territory American Indian Quarterly. Vol. 33(3):441-464.
Charles Menzies (editor) Traditional Ecological
Knowledge and Natural Resource Management. Lincoln,
Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. 2006.
Charles Menzies and Anthony Marcus. Guest editors.
Vol. 47(1). 2005.
Charles Menzies and Anthony Marcus. Renewing the Vision:
Marxism and Anthropology in the 21st Century. Anthropologica.
Vol. 47(1): 3-6. 2005 
Anthony Marcus and Charles Menzies. Towards a Class Struggle
Anthropology. Anthropologica. Vol. 47(1):13-33.
Charles Menzies. Putting Words into Action: Negotiating Collaborative
Research in Gitxaala. Canadian Journal of Native Education.
Vol. 28(1&2). 2004. Go to journal at
Kenneth Campbell, Charles R. Menzies, and Brent Peacock.
BC First Nations Studies. Vancouver: Pacific Educational
Press, UBC; Victoria: British Columbia Ministry of Education.