Economics 567
This course is ongoing, and material will be added and modified throughout. Registered students can find grades and additional material on UBC Canvas. TeX code for all documents is available from a git repository. Please contact me (or better yet make a pull request) if you notice any errors or want to suggest changes or additions.
SyllabusLecture notes and slides
- Introduction: slides
- Production functions
- Demand and supply of differentiated
- overview
- applications
- identification
- computation and implementation
- Self-contained introductory Pluto notebook
- Using BLPDemand.jl package
Pluto.jl notebook
, static html version
- Models of insurance demand
- Market entry: slides
- Single agent dynamic models:
- Dynamic oligopoly: slides part 1, slides part 2 , slides part 3 (continuous time)
- Regulation of transmission networks: slides, and natural gas pipeline slides
- Bayesian estimation:
- Auctions: slides
- Price dispersion and search: slides
- Matching: slides
- Networks:
- Vertical markets: slides
Assignments from past years:
- Entry model of pharmacies:
- Reproducing Grieco & McDevitt (2017)
- Reproducing Hollenbeck & Uetake (2021) : due March 21, 2023
- Reproducing Grieco & McDevitt (2017)
- Entry model of pharmacies:
- data preparation : due February 28th, 2019
- estimation : due March 14th, 2019
- Reproducing BLP (1995)
- Reproducing Grieco and McDevitt (2017)
- Dynamic decision model estimation. Code for loading data
Instructions for research proposal
The final draft of your research proposal is due on April 23rd. If you wish, you may turn in a first draft by April 9th, and I will give you some comments on it by April 14th. Your research proposal should be approximately 8 pages. It should begin with a section that resembles the introduction section of a paper. The most important thing is to clearly state (i) your motivation, (ii) your research question, and (iii) your method. You could also include (but need not include all): (iv) a brief literature review that highlights what is new about your proposal, (v) some details about the model (vi) some details about the estimation method, (vii) a description of the data, (viii) a discussion of possible results. Your proposal should be well thought out and feasible.